Our Wedding featured in People Magazine!
It is an honor to have our (what used to be secret) wedding featured in People Magazine today! Thank you for a beautiful article about me and Asa. As you can read in the story, we are also happy to announce that we are expecting another baby boy, Bo Orbison, on Valentines Day 2018. Read...
Pretty Woman: The Musical” to Open on Broadway, Fall 2018!
With music from Roy Orbison and Bryan Adams. Read full article HERE !
Happy Birthday to my friend James Burton!
Here we are recently in Shreveport. Check out James’ cool car.
Backstage at Graceland – Jack Soden, Roy Orbison Jr, Asa Orbison, Roy Orbison 3 and Louise Burton
Hanging out backstage at Graceland waiting to see James Burton! From left CEO of Elvis Presley’s Graceland Jack Soden, Roy Orbison Jr , Asa Orbison, Roy Orbison 3 and Louise Burton
Roy Orbison Jr & James Burton on Elvis Radio!
Tune in Elvis Radio in 10 min! Me and the greatest guitarist in the world – James Burton .
Jigsaw (2017 Movie) Official Trailer (Roy Orbison – Running Scared)
Ok, This is the most brutal usage of a Roy Orbison song ever. So if you are under 18 or sensitive to extreme violence then please just skip this post. Roy Orbison’s “Running Scared” begins at 50 seconds in and ends at 1:57. Enjoy! Jigsaw (2017 Movie) Official Trailer Saw in theaters October 27, 2017
Roy Orbison 3 to play on Roy Orbison’s song Pretty Woman!
Read about it here in The Telegraph:
Interview of Roy Orbison Jr in Rolling Stone – How U2 Influenced Today’s Country Music
Rolling Stone Magazine interviewed me about how U2 Influenced today’s country music. “…As for the ‘She’s a Mystery to Me’ writing session, Roy Orbison Jr says, ‘[Bono] liked the idea that there was some pressure building. I imagined he was thinking of himself as being in an apartment building [with] a revolution going on in...