Written by Bono of U2 with my Dad and me and The Edge helping a little. Bono liked it so much he wrote the song “One” for his band basing it on this song, “She’s a Mystery to Me”.

Here’s a music video I worked on with director David Fincher. (who directed: Seven, Fight Club, Lords of Dogtown, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon ,Gone Girl, Alien 3, The Game, Zodiac) This is one of his first music videos on his transition from directing commercials to directing movies.

We filmed this in a famous house called “The Ennis-Brown House” which was designed by the great architect Frank Lloyd Wright for Charles and Mabel Ennis in 1923 and built in 1924.

I spent 3 days alone in this creepy house with David Fincher as he set up most of the shots by himself with no real crew except me. We did two days of filming on a closed movie set for the additional shots.

The Ennis-Brown House has been used in many classic movies like “Blade Runner” and shows like “Twin Peaks”. The design is based on ancient Mayan temples.

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